New depositional ecosystem plus the clay entering in line with the spectral gamma beam rates
Th/You proportion mix-area is made toward cored durations each and every better to take a look at into the depositional environment (Fig. 10).
The clay typing was later accomplished by a group of cross-plots (Fig. 11) with various combinations including thorium versus potassium, photoelectric (PEF) versus potassium, photoelectric versus Th/K ratio and thorium versus AldosOstep three/(Al2O3 + SiO2). For generating the last one , the XRF data were used. The presence of clay minerals like illite, montmorillonite and glauconite are evident from Fig. 11, however chlorite and kaolinte are not detected by this method.
The results of log-derived clay typing: a Th (vs) K, from Schlumberger ; b PEF (vs) K, from Schlumberger ; c PEF (vs) Th/K, from Schlumberger ; d Th (vs) Al2O3/(Al2O3 + SiO2) from . Black circle Gas producing well data points, and black up-pointing triangle non-producing well data points
Due to the insignificant contribution of the potassium-totally free clay vitamins about Shurijeh Formation, this new pure gamma ray, potassium and you can thorium logging data were utilized with confidence to locate estimates off Shurijeh clay blogs.