74 answers to a€?Greeting practices a€“ How do you welcome folk where you’re from?a€?

74 answers to a€?Greeting practices a€“ How do you welcome folk where you’re from?a€?

Women hug about cheek no matter the gender (unless its in a small business or extremely proper)

According to research by the way I a€?felta€? about them as someone, alone of the fact that they are your parents, my basic a€?feelinga€? would have been to kiss all of them twice when meeting, as soon as leaving.

Discover some a€?greya€? region about practices overall. They can be interpreted in another way with regards to the region as well as the person.

A very important factor are sure, be aware when greeting someone from another tradition. This 1 friendly hug we might share with buddy in New York, would indicate something most romantic in Paris.