However, I do getting obligated to claim that such fish are iffy at the best

However, I do getting obligated to claim that such fish are iffy at the best

Generally most quiet fish. We plan to bare this container a peaceful community container and I do want to keeps a few schools regarding shorter seafood. Can i be able to add more lineatus wrasses later on getting a male and a few lady to make right up a small harem? Let me say probably, but I recently have no idea.

Glowing Wrasse I to begin with bought the latest wrasse to place to the a beneficial 40 Gal

Wrasse Compatibility Hi Crew, Hope are doing well, haven’t talked to you in a while. The 210g. reef has now been up for a full year, my how time flies. Doing well. Question – Have a resident yellow Coris wrasse and a lime green Coris, would like to add an Ornate Wrasse (Halichoeres family). I know some wrasse families are very aggressive and quarrelsome but what little I have found on the Halichoeres they are not. I need some good professional advice on these wrasses, fellows. Also is there a good reference book on the various wrasses. I have Scott Michaels and Bob’s Marine Aquarist, looking for more detail, if possible, on the wrasse. Many thanks Crew and have a great weekend! Ceil Wagaman in PA

Wrasse Compatibility Fri, Hi Crew, Hope you are doing well, haven’t talked to you in awhile. The 210g. reef has now been up for a full year, my how time flies. Doing well. Question – Have a resident yellow Coris wrasse and a lime green Coris, would like to add an Ornate Wrasse (Halichoeres family). I know some wrasse families are very aggressive and quarrelsome but what little I have found on the Halichoeres they are not. I need some good professional advise on these wrasses, fellows. Also is there a good reference book on the various wrasses. I have Scott Michaels and Bob’s Marine Aquarist, looking for more detail, if possible, on the wrasse. Many thanks Crew and have a great weekend! Ceil Wagaman in PA

I’d the newest intention of employing the new wrasse to help the scooter blenny handle flatworm

Wrasse compatibility I have a 72 gallon bow front reef tank with a pugnacious six line wrasse. I have a Halichoeres argus in another tank and would like to add him to the 72 gallon tank, however, I am wondering if the six line and him would get along. < I'd say you will be fine. I don't picture either of them causing any problems. > Another option I have been pondering is to set up a fish only tank with some more aggressive fish – triggers, moray eel, and a puffer. Would the Halichoeres argus be able to handle this tank? < Yes, I think so. Especially if he is 4 inches or longer. I think that would be fine as well. > For the more aggressive tank, what type of filtration would you recommend? < Lots of live rock, and a very large healthy refugium. > Thank you for your help. < Blundell >

SPS tank that has 70+ lbs. of LR. It is bare bottom except for a 1 foot square alcove in the rocks that gradually rises from ?» in the front to Approx. 5″ in the back of the alcove. It also has 40 Gal. Refugium upstream and a 20 Gal. sump containing an overkill skimmer. A 1500 gph ( 0 head ) pump returns the water through a Mechanical, carbon, U.V., and heater modules. My question is will the wrasse be compatible with a Swissguard Basslet (L. rubre), and a Scooter Blenny (S. Ocellatus) which spends its nights buried in the sand (except for eyeballs). I slipped up and didn’t do my usual 4 week coral quarantine because I got some from a friend. I don’t have a lot of flatworm. I think the blenny is doing some damage to them. He doesn’t eat any of the food I feed the tank, not even Mysis. I do see him picking at the rocks and sand all day and he is chunky. It could be all the pods in the tank too. The only other occupant is a Flameback Angel (C. aurantonotus). My other option is to put the wrasse into a 40 Gal. Anemone (lots of polyps, mushrooms) set up that is identical to the SPS setup. This includes all equipment, refugium, LR, BB, and 1ft. square sand bed. This tank only has a pair of Solomon Island Perculas. The Chevron tang will also be going into that tank. I guess I could put the wrasse in this tank to keep the pods in check and leave enough for the scooter blenny in the SPS tank. This will insure he is working for his keep as I am not sure how it will do on flatworms. Thanks for all your opinions in this email and all other info you have shared with me on all FAQ’s, Mahalo, Dennis


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