Agraphobia– Fear of intimate abuse
If you are searching getting a specific concern (concern about bots, fear of pet, etc), check out the variety of phobias by the category
Posts underlined may suggest almost every other much more serious anxiety disorders like OCD. Some fears also can indicate self-confidence circumstances, PTSD or forms of abuse. Excite get a hold of “Throughout the Fears” for more information
Ablutophobia– Concern with washing or bathrooms. Acarophobia– Concern with irritation or of your bugs that can cause irritation. Achluophobia– Concern about dark. Acousticophobia– Anxiety about noise. Acrophobia– Concern about levels. Aeroacrophobia– Fear of open large places. Agateophobia– Concern about insanity. Agliophobia– Fear of discomfort. Agoraphobia– Concern with open spaces otherwise to be inside congested, public facilities such as for example places. Agrizoophobia– Concern with wildlife. Agyrophobia– Concern about streets or crossing the road. Aichmophobia– Concern about needles otherwise indicated objects. Ailurophobia– Concern about cats. Albuminurophobia– Fear of kidney situation. Alektorophobia– Fear of birds. Algophobia– Fear of pain. Alliumphobia– Concern with garlic. Allodoxaphobia– Concern about opinions. Altophobia– Fear of levels. Amathophobia– Fear of soil. Amaxophobia– Anxiety about riding in a car. Ambulophobia– Anxiety about taking walks. Amnesiphobia– Fear of amnesia. Amychophobia– Fear of scratches or becoming scratched. Anablephobia– Concern about searching for. Androphobia– Anxiety about males. Angrophobia – Concern about frustration otherwise to become resentful. Anthropophobia– Anxiety about people otherwise area. Antlophobia– Concern with floods. Anuptaphobia– Anxiety about getting single. Aphenphosmphobia– Concern with getting handled. Apiphobia– Anxiety about bees. Apotemnophobia– Fear of individuals having amputations. Arachibutyrophobia– Concern with peanut butter staying with the latest rooftop of the mouth. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia– Anxiety about bots. Arithmophobia– Anxiety about amounts. Arrhenphobia– Concern about boys. Arsonphobia– Concern about flame. Asthenophobia– Fear of passing out or tiredness. Astraphobia otherwise Astrapophobia– Concern about thunder and super. Asymmetriphobia– Concern with asymmetrical some thing. Ataxophobia– Concern with diseases or untidiness. Atelophobia- Anxiety about imperfection. Athazagoraphobia– Anxiety about becoming forgotton otherwise ignored or forgetting. Atomosophobia– Fear of nuclear explosions . Atychiphobia– Concern with incapacity. Autodysomophobia– Anxiety about one that features a good vile smell. Automatonophobia– Concern about ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues Automysophobia– Anxiety about being filthy. Autophobia– Concern with becoming by yourself otherwise out of oneself. Aviophobia otherwise Aviatophobia– Concern about traveling.
Bacillophobia- Concern about microbes. Bacteriophobia– Fear of micro-organisms. Bathophobia- Concern about breadth. Batophobia– Concern about heights or becoming alongside large houses. Batrachophobia– Concern with amphibians, such frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. Belonephobia– Concern with pins and you may needles Bibliophobia– Concern about books. Blennophobia– Concern with slime. Bogyphobia– Concern with bogeys or the bogeyman. Botanophobia– Concern with plants. Bromidrosiphobia otherwise Bromidrophobia– Concern with body smells. Brontophobia– Anxiety about thunder and you will super. Bufonophobia– Anxiety about toads.
Contreltophobia– Concern with intimate punishment
Carpophobia – anxiety about wrists Cardiophobia– Anxiety about the heart. Carnophobia– Fear of meat. Catagelophobia– Fear of being ridiculed . Catoptrophobia– Concern about decorative mirrors. Cenophobia otherwise Centophobia– Concern about new things otherwise details. Ceraunophobia – Concern with thunder and lightning. Chaetophobia– Fear of hair. Chemophobia– Concern with toxins otherwise dealing with chemical substances. Chiraptophobia– Fear of are handled. Chirophobia– Fear of give. Chiroptophobia– Fear of bats. Chorophobia– Fear of dancing.
Chronophobia– Concern about coming Claustrophobia- Anxiety about confined spaces. Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia– Concern with getting locked in a shut set. Cleptophobia– Concern about taking. Climacophobia– Concern with stairs, hiking, otherwise from falling downstairs.. Coimetrophobia– Anxiety about cemeteries.. Coprastasophobia– Anxiety about irregularity. Coprophobia– Anxiety about stools. Coulrophobia– Concern about clowns. Cyberphobia– Fear of servers or doing a pc.. Cynophobia– Concern with pet otherwise rabies. Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia – Concern with prostitutes otherwise venereal state.
Decidophobia– Fear of decision making. Defecaloesiophobia– Anxiety about terrifically boring intestine actions. Deipnophobia– Concern with eating or eating discussions. Dementophobia– Concern about madness. Demonophobia otherwise Daemonophobia– Concern about demons. Demophobia– Concern with crowds of people. Dentophobia– Concern with dentists.. Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia– Concern about skin disease.. Diabetophobia– Concern with diabetes. Didaskaleinophobia– Fear of planning to university. Dikephobia– Fear of fairness.. Dipsophobia– Concern with taking. Dishabiliophobia– Fear of undressing facing somebody. Disposophobia– Fear of putting blogs aside. Hoarding. Doraphobia– Concern with fur otherwise peels out-of pet. Doxophobia– Concern with saying views otherwise from finding supplement. Dysmorphophobia– Concern with deformity. Dystychiphobia– Concern about accidents.